The Teddy is back!

OOH! Zenkycon was so fun for the Teddy!! Thare were so many humens dwessed up in vawious costumes!! And thare were wots of fun things to do! Mommy and daddy went to something called a Cue and A wif someone called Cwinton Fwynn and one wif someone called Fill Lamar. The Teddy doesnt know who they are, but it was fun to wisten to them anser questions that other humens asked. The Teddy wearned a wot and now wants to be something called a voiss acter someday! 🐻🐻

They also went to something called a burwesk show? I told mommy and daddy that I was going to take a teddy nap duwing it, but I didn’t mweeheehee! If you ever think to go to one, don’t. It’s jus humens taking some cwothes off. There was fun music though, teeheehee!!🐻

There was an event called Cospway Dating. It was kind of siwwy. It was humens dwessed up as cawacters fwom vawious things pwetending to be on a dating show. It was pwetty funny to see so many diffwent cawacters together. Teehee! Thare was a more adult version water in the day. I pwetended to seep during that one too, but I didnt weawwy mweeheehee!! 🐻🐻

OH! Then there was this thing called cospway maskerade. It was where wots of dwessed up humens went on stage and got jujed on how good they were. It was wots of fun! There was a Star Wars wive action fighting game at the end of it, which was weawwy fun too!🐻

The Teddy had so much fun! I got a wot of picshures wif humens! PICSHURE TIME! 🐻🐻

This is the Teddy waffing eviwwy after steawing Thors hammer! Mwehehehe!!!

Teddy 19

This is the Teddy after getting a badge for the Con!

Teddy 10

Oh no! The Teddy got attacked by a monster!!

Teddy 11

But the Teddy was saved by some keysord fighter humens!

Mommy twied to get a picshure of herself, but the Teddy said no!

Teddy 06

Duwing one of mommy and daddys snack bweaks, the Teddy found this notebook and started witing the names of evwyone I want to meet in it!

Teddy 09

It’s hard to see it but the Teddy has a faiwy in a bottle!

Teddy 18

The Teddy is the new god of thunder!! Mweheehee!!

Teddy 17

These picshures show the pwoper way to bop someone on the face!

Mommy gave the Teddy some beads! Then I eated them because I thought they were wittle purple potatoes…

Teddy 14

These two wosers twied to be more popawer than the Teddy…but the Teddy is much better!!!

Teddy 13

You should always stop to smell the fwowers…and then eat them…teeheehee!

I had to sniff this Joteon because I thought it had potatoes. It didn’t…

Teddy 15

We went outside for a while and the Teddy got stuck in this weird bush…

Teddy 02

On the way back we got wunch!! Not potatoes but still super nummy!

Teddy 03

OOH! And the Teddy met Wady Woki! Shes super evil jus yike the Teddy!

Teddy 01

Well, tha’s all of my picshures. I hope you enjoyed seeing my Zenkycon adventure! I wove you all! Bye bye!!



9 thoughts on “The Teddy is back!

  1. Aww! So glad you enjoyed yourself, my beautiful girl. I’ll have to show Sparkie your photographs. She’d find them very inspiring. Perhaps she could make aone fantasy inspired jewelry?

    You look so cute! *boops* *hugs*

    Stay tuned for my vacation shots in the Dutch Capital. I’ll be posting them on Twitter xx

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