Dance of the Fairy Teddies

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Oh, hello, everyone. Welcome to another bedtime story with me, Teddy. Tonight’s story is a fairy tale! I hope you enjoy it! I’m quite excited to write my first fairy tale so let me get right to it. Our story takes place in a beautiful place. That place, is the mind of a little teddy. A teddy who longs for adventures. To see new places. To make new friends.

Now, let us delve into that beautiful mind. Let us witness, The Dance of the Fairy Teddies.


The Dance of the Fairy Teddies

The little teddy had just gone to bed. She’d had a fun day hanging out with her siblings and Zombie Jem and was quite exhausted. As soon as she got into bed, she fell asleep quickly. And shortly after, she went off to the dream world.

The little teddy opened her eyes. She didn’t recognize where she had awoken. She was laying under a tree in what seemed to be a large forest. The little teddy stood up and looked around. “Ooh,” she gasped, “this pwace is weawwy pwetty!” She began to explore the forest, before realizing that regardless of how pretty the place was, she didn’t know where she was.

“Oh hi, PammyBear!” The little teddy turned to see Zombie Jem standing behind her. “Oh hi!” she said excitedly, running to hug her friend. After a long embrace, she asked, “Do you know where we are?” Zombie Jem shook his head. “No,”he answered, “I have no idea.”  The two began walking around the forest, enjoying all the nature around them.

After a while, they came upon what seemed to be the way out of the forest. But blocking the way was a hooded figure. As they got closer to figure, they way that he was holding a large walking stick. “Hmm…” Zombie Jem mused, “I wonder who this could be.” When they reached the figure, he took off his hood, revealing himself to be a bear. “Hello there, travelers,” the bear said loudly, “I have been waiting for you!” The little teddy and Zombie Jem exchanged quick glances. “What do you mean?” Jem asked the bear.

The bear explained to them that it was his job to lead new travelers in the forest to their destinations, even if they were unaware of having one in the first place. The forest was a place that couldn’t be found on a map. Nobody quite knew how to find the forest, but somehow there were always new travelers. “And I, Teddy Tedaloo, am here to lead them all on their way!” The bear finished his speech with a bow. “Oh, so where are we going, Mr. Cwazy bear?” the Teddy asked, giggling. “That’s Teddy Tedaloo,” the bear said sternly, “and I insist you call me that exactly!” And with that, the walked past the little teddy and Zombie Jem and headed deeper into the forest. The two friends headed after him.

Teddy Tedaloo led the little teddy and Zombie Jem further and further into the woods. “Where exactly are we going?” Jem asked their guide. The bear looked back at the two travelers and smiled. “To witness the dance of the fairy teddies,” he said quickly before turning back. The little teddy’s eyes lit up. “Faiwy teddys?” she exclaimed, “I wanna see faiwy teddys!!” Teddy Tedaloo laughed. “Then follow me,” he instructed her. The little teddy bounced excitedly. “Ok!” she agreed. Zombie Jem laughed. The two continued to follow their guide.

After walking for what seemed like hours to the little teddy, they reached a cave. “Well,” Teddy Tedaloo said to her, “this is your destination. Head on in and I’ll wait here for you and your friend to get out.” The little teddy looked into the cave. She could see a very faint light at the far back of it, but nothing more. But she was too excited to be scared. “Ooh, let’s go,” she told her zombie friend, “I wanna see the faiwies!” Zombie Jem grabbed her paw. “Ok,” he told his friend, “but hold my hand until we get to the back of the cave. It’s dark and I don’t want you to trip and get hurt.” The two headed into the dark cave.

The cave was even more vast than it seemed. It felt to the little teddy that it took forever to reach the back, where the light was coming from. And when they did finally reach it, the two couldn’t believe their eyes. Flying around a large opening at the back of the cave were fairies. But not just ordinary fairies. Fairy teddies, just as Teddy Tedaloo had said.

“Oh my gosh,” Zombie Jem gasped, “I can’t believe it.” The little teddy couldn’t take her eyes away from the fairies. “Faiwies,” she said excitedly, “weal faiwy teddys!” Zombie Jem was happy to see the little teddy so excited. “Why don’t you see if you can approach them,” he suggested. The little teddy nodded and walked slowly towards the fairies, expecting they to fly away in fear. But, much to her surprise, they flew towards her. The fairies surrounded her and led her to the middle of the opening and began flying around her. Their wings started to glow as they continued to circle the little teddy.

Suddenly the little teddy started to feel a little warm. “Whoa, PammyBear,” Zombie Jem said with a hint of nervousness, “you’re glowing!” The little teddy looked at her paws and saw that she was indeed glowing. “Ooh! What’s going on?” she asked aloud. Then she began to feel lighter. “You’ve grown wings, PammyBear!” Jem excitedly told her. The little teddy reached behind her and felt the wings that had suddenly sprouted from her back. “Oh!” she exclaimed, “I’m a faiwy teddy!” She turned to Zombie Jem, beaming. “I’m a faiwy teddy,” she said excitedly, “I’m a faiwy teddy!”

The little teddy took a couple of minutes to get used to her new wings, and then flew over to Zombie Jem. “Your wings are very pretty,” her undead friend told her, smiling. “I know,” the little teddy replied, “I weawwy yike them!” She took her friend’s hand and started to fly. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to fly with Jem, but to her excitement, she could. “Wow, PammyBear, we’re flying!” Jem exclaimed. He could hardly believe how strong the fairies’ magic was. But here he was, flying with his best friend. He was having a lot of fun and he could tell that she was having even more fun than him.

The little teddy flew around with Zombie Jem for a while more before the other fairy teddies began flying around them. “What are they doing?” Jem asked. The little teddy listened for a moment, seemingly hearing something that he couldn’t. “They’re saying that I have to set you down so we can dance,” she explained. She wasn’t entirely sure how she knew what they were saying, but she did. And, as the fairies had said, she carefully landed and set down Jem and joined them back in the center of the opening.

The fairy teddies began flying around the little teddy again. Their wings began to glow and continuously change colours as they began to fly all around, filling the whole area with a rainbow of light. The little teddy began to fly spin around, her own wings glowing. Almost as if by instinct, she began to dance with the rest of the fairy teddies. Zombie Jem sat back, watching in awe. He had never seen something so amazing in his life, or his afterlife. He loved seeing his PammyBear having such a fun time.

Zombie Jem could have watched the fairy teddies dance forever. But, after a while, the dance came to an end. The little teddy landed as the rest of the fairies began circling her again. Their wings began to glow again, and in couple of moments, the little teddies wings disappeared. She thanked the fairy teddies and then ran to her friend. “I got to be a faiwy!,” she said excitedly, hugging Jem. Zombie Jem smiled. “I saw,” he told her happily, “You looked amazing dancing with the other fairies. But I think we ought to head back.” The little teddy nodded. “Yeah,” she agreed, “I think you’re wight. Let’s so see if that cwazy bear is still out there.”

Zombie Jem took the little teddys paw and they walked through dark cave again to get back to the forest. Teddy Tedaloo was waiting at the cave’s entrance for them. He smiled as they approached them. “Did you see the teddy fairies?” he asked the little teddy. She and Zombie Jem relayed the story of what had happened deep in the cave. Teddy Tedaloo nodded. “Yeah,” he said knowingly, “That’s what I thought.” Zombie Jem looked at him curiously. “What do you mean, Teddy Tedaloo?” he asked the bear. “Oh, nothing,” Teddy Tedaloo answered, “Now let’s get you two back home.”

The two travelers followed their guide back through the forest. They didn’t talk much as did; instead they just enjoyed the sounds of the forest. When they reached the forest’s exit where they had first met Teddy Tedaloo, they stopped to say goodbye. “I’m certain we’ll see each other again,” Teddy Tedaloo told the little teddy, “And probably you as well, my undead friend.” He gave the two travelers a hug. “Thank you vewy much for leading us to the faiwy teddies,” the little teddy said as she hugged him. Zombie Jem gave him a hug too and then he and the little teddy walked out of the forest.

The little teddy opened her eyes. She sat up in her bed, a big smile on her face. “What a vewy nice dweam,” she said to herself, “I should meet up wif Zombie Jem and tell him about it.” She got out of bed and went to the living room. Her mommy and daddy were watching t.v. with her siblings. “Oh! Good morning, mommy! Good morning, daddy!” she said cheerily, “May I go to Zombie Jems for a little while?” Her mommy smiled. “Of course you can,” she answered, “Just don’t be out too late.” The little teddy nodded. “I won’t, mommy,” she told her, “I’ll pwobabwy be back for wunch.” With that, she headed out to see her friend.

The little teddy closed the front door to her house and headed towards Zombie Jems cemetery. She noticed a stand in the street across the road that she hadn’t seen before. She went to investigate, and found that it was a news stand. She saw someone in the back of the stand looking through some boxes. “Excuse me,” the little teddy said to the stranger. The stranger stood up and walked over to the stand. He was a jolly looking bear. The little teddy thought he seemed familiar, but she couldn’t place him. “Hi there,” the bear said happily, “I’ve just set up this news stand. I eventually plan to have a full news station, but for now this will do. I have lots to set up still, but here, take a copy of my paper. Free of charge. And please, come back to see me when I’m fully set up.”

The bear handed the little teddy a newspaper. She took a look at the cover page. “The Teddy Tedaloo Times,” she read aloud, “that sounds familwar.” But she couldn’t place it any more than she could place the bear. She shrugged it off and continued on her way to Zombie Jem’s cemetery. She just couldn’t wait to tell him about her dream.


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Well, there we have it. I do hope you enjoyed the story. Please feel free to leave any feedback in the comments below. And, as always, you can always leave a story idea for me and I’ll try to use it in a story. Thank you all so much for reading. Goodnight!




3 thoughts on “Dance of the Fairy Teddies

  1. Wow! Magical! Reminds me of a poem I wrote many years ago – The Crystal Ship.

    Such an amazing adventure, all those magical Teddy Faeries flying around like butterflies! Amazing!

    Keep up the great work. xx

    Liked by 1 person

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