A Hedgehog Trumps at Midnight

Teddy 39

Oh, hello there! Thank you for joining me for another story! This story has a few special guests! I am quite honored to have gotten these guests permission to fictionalize them in one of my stories. If you would like to meet these gusts yourself, please check out their twitter account. Their handle is @slug_soup. You’ll sure to find something interesting from this group. Now, please, enjoy the story!

A Hedgehog Trumps at Midnight

The little teddy was in the forest. She was hanging out with her friends Zombie Jem, Mickey, and her new friends Dee and Little Dee. They had decided to have another picnic since their last one had been such fun. And this time they had more food to share with their cave bear friends. They had decided to have their picnic at night because Dee and Little Dee had told them how pretty it was outside their cave at night.

And it certainly was. The light from the cave seemed to light up their whole picnic area. “It’s all so pwetty,” the little teddy said, looking around the forest. “Oh yes,” Dee said, coming out of the cave, “I fink is bestes part of the fores!” He walked over to the picnic area and set down a huge handful of chocolate. “Oh, that looks yummy,” Mickey said, picking up a piece and popping it into his mouth. “I agree,” Zombie Jem said, “it does look quite yummy.” He grabbed a piece of chocolate for himself and one for the little teddy. They both smiled as they ate they delicious treat.

The little Teddy was about to give everyone a potato when they heard a sound. Like a faint whistling. And as soon as it started, it stopped. The little teddy handed everyone a potato and then took one for herself. “I hope you all yike these potatoes,” she told everyone, “Thare some of my most speshul potatoes!” She went to take a bite of her potato when they heard the sound again. A little louder this time. But it still sounded like a faint whistling.

“Hmm…sounds like the trumping,” a voice came from nowhere. Everyone looked around until they suddenly noticed Teddy Tedaloo standing at the entrance of Dee and Little Dee’s cave. Little Dee jumped when he saw the bear who seemed to appear out of thin air. “OH!” he yelped, “Wheres you did comes from?” Teddy Tedaloo smiled. “Oh, you know,” he answered, walking towards the picnic area. He picked up a piece of chocolate and ate it. “You hear that?” he asked everyone. The little teddy and her friends listened closely. And sure enough, they heard the whistling. “It’s the trumping,” Teddy Tedaloo said.

“Wha’s the Twumping?” the little teddy asked the bear. “Oh, let’s say it’s a…notification” Teddy Tedaloo answered, “to let us know they’re coming.” This piqued Zombie Jem’s curiosity. “Who’re they, exactly,” he asked the bear. Teddy Tedaloo laughed. “Oh, you’ll see soon enough,” he replied. Suddenly they heard the whistling again. And it was getting louder. “They’ll be here soon,” the bear told everyone. Dee and Little Dee both began jumping excitedly. “Oh new frens!” Little Dee said excitedly, “Wheres they at?”

As if on cue, a light fog filled the area. And deep in the fog was a figure. Ambling slowly towards the group, the figure grew in size until everyone could see who was walking toward them. The figure was in fact, multiple figures, walking in a single file line. The little teddy counted five frogs and two hedgehogs in the line. They stopped in front of the picnic area. Then a small frog wearing an orange shirt walked out from the line. The little teddy walked toward the frog. “Oh hewwo,” she said happily, “it’s so nice to meet you!!”

The little frog just looked at the little teddy for a minute. Mickey came up to the little teddy. “Um…what’s your name?” he asked. “Tico,” the little frog said simply. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Mickey said, “And what about them?” Upon hearing him ask, each member of the line stepped forward and introduced themselves, quickly stepping back afterwards. “Happy Tico!” a jolly looking frog said. “Lavender,” came the answer from a small light green frog. “Rod,” said a slightly larger frog with red spots on his front paws. The smaller of the two hedgehogs stepped forward. “Quatdgy,” the little hedgehog said before walking off. A taller, skinny frog stepped forward. “Jenkin,” the frog said, then followed Quatdgy off into the fog. Finally, the larger hedgehog stepped forward and stood next to Tico. “Ed-dy” she introduced herself. “Why are you here,” Zombie Jem asked, confused. A slight smile appeared on Tico’s face. “Soup,” came their answer.

“Soup?” Zombie Jem questioned. Tico nodded. “Yes, soup,” the little frog said and then stepped back into the line. Moments later, Quatdgy came back, holding a stack of bowls. The little hedgehog handed a bowl to everyone and then shuffled off back to the line. The tall frog, Jenkin, came back and handed everyone a spoon. He too rejoined the line then. Once he was back in line, Ed-dy walked off. She came back shortly, pulling a large cauldron on wheels. She stopped the cauldron by the picnic area and walked off again.

Little Dee walked up to the cauldron, curious to see what was in it. He was expecting soup, but was surprised to see that the cauldron was empty. “Where soup?” the Cave bear asked Tico, “I is hungry!” Tico pointed in the direction Ed-dy had headed. Little Dee looked and saw that the hedgehog was walking back with a ladle. She reached the cauldron and began stirring. Suddenly, everyone heard a variety of sounds. The noises were all coming from the line where the strange visitors were standing. Mickey sniffed the air. “Wait a minute,” the small bear said, “are they…”

“Trumping,” Tico cut him off. He walked up and stood next to Ed-dy. “Twumping?” the little teddy asked, “what’s twumping?” The little frog simply pointed back to the line. Tico then took Little Dee’s bowl and held it out to Ed-dy. “Slug,” the little frog said to her. “Slug,” Ed-dy repeated before filling the bowl. Zombie Jem was amazed at how she filled the bowl when the cauldron had just been empty. “Soup,” Tico said, pointing to Jem. He walked up and Tico took his bowl and held it out. “Creamy tomato,” the little frog said. Ed-dy repeated this and then filled the bowl.

This went on until everyone had a full bowl of soup. The little teddy was delighted to have a bowl of potato soup. Mickey got a bowl of veggie beef, which smelled delightful. Dee received a bowl of cream of mushroom. Everyone was excited to try their soups that their odd guests had delivered. Tico nodded at everyone. “Soup,” the little frog said. Everyone excitedly tried their soups. And not surprisingly, everyone loved their soups.

“That was delicious!” Mickey said happily after finishing his fifth bowl of soup. Everyone had tried each others soups and none could decide which soup was the best. Dee was licking his bowl clean to make sure he got everything. “Oh!” he said happily, “Soup! Is vewy goods! Little Dee and I is so fulls now!” Little Dee clapped his paws together. “Oh yes,” he agreed, “is so goods!” Ed-dy smiled. “Good,” she said flatly. Jenkin went around and took everyone’s spoons while Quatdgy collected everyone’s bowls.

Once everything  had been collected, Quatdgy and Jenkin walked back into the fog, followed by Ed-dy and her cauldron. They came back and Quatdgy and Jenkin got back in line. Ed-dy stood in front of the friends and bowed her head. “Thank you so much for the nummy soups,” the little teddy said to the hedgehog. Tico stepped forward. “We are glad you enjoyed Ed-dy’s soup,” the little frog answered, “We shall be taking our leave now.” Ed-dy raised her head and took a spot at the far end of the line. Tico went to the opposite end.

The line of strange frogs and hedgehogs turned and started walking into the fog. They then began trumping as they disappeared. “Well they were an interesting bunch,” Zombie Jem said when they had completely vanished into the fog. The Fog seemed to disappear with them. “They were odd, but I did realy enjoy them,” Mickey said. “They gived us nums!” Little Dee added happily, “We do loves nums!” The little teddy giggled. “I hope we see them again one day!” she said. “Oh, I’m certain you will,” they heard Teddy Tedaloo say. He was walking away from them into the woods. “He’s an odd one too,” Zombie Jem said as the bear too disappeared. “But I yike him,” the teddy told her undead friend. The friends spent the night discussing the newest of the many odd friends they had made.


Well there we go. I do hope you enjoyed the story! As always, please leave any and all feedback you have in the comments below. If you would like to be featured in a story, please do let me know. I will do my best to write entertaining stories that you will all be pleased with. Thank you again for joining me. Goodnight, everyone!

Also, if you enjoyed our quirky guest stars, please check out their twitter. There’s so much more to them than their fictional selves. Please visit @slug_soup to meet them! Thank you!

5 thoughts on “A Hedgehog Trumps at Midnight

  1. Oh man! Very woo! Reminds me of Patricia Kenneally – long story she was a Pagan Witch who said that I married her and fathered her baby, I did neither – and some of the stuff she got up to back in the ’60s.

    I like the slug bunch, though. As well as their magic soup and cauldron, they have the ability to make an existential crisis laugh out loud funny. That takes talent.

    Keep up your great work. I really enjoy your stories.

    Liked by 1 person

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