Question for humens

OH HI! The Teddy would yike to ask a question for humens. Do any of you humens who have teddys of any sort take your teddys outside wif you? Yike, do you take your teddys pwaces?

If you dont, may the Teddy ask why? The Teddy isnt going to judge if you dont. I stay home most of the time myself. Zenkycon was the first weal time that the Teddy went out into pubwic.

The Teddy understands that thare are pwobabwy many weasons why humens wouldnt take their teddys out. I know that some humens are vewy mean and jujmental and that can be a weal detewwant to taking your teddys out. Tha’s part of why the Teddy doesnt go out weawwy.

So the Teddy is jus cuwious. Pwease weave any answers and comments for the Teddy in the comments section bewow. The Teddy apwesheates it. Bye bye for now!

19 thoughts on “Question for humens

  1. Sparkie snd Shakie take me all over. To the pub, to gigs, on vacations and weekend breaks. Sparkie has even made a little chain so I can be clipped to her wrist and we won’t get separated.

    I don’t go everywhere with them. Sometimes I stay behind to give another one of our furry friends a chance to go out. Sparkie loves plushies and generally takes one with her wherever she goes.

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    • The Teddy thinks tha’s a good answer. Sometimes you jus cant take them all. I have wots of sibwings and know that we cant all go out sometimes. The mos important thing is that you wove them all!


  2. I’ve been taking my guys out for about 5 years. I’ve gotten funny looks but I’ve also gotten retweeted by some of the local tourist places I’ve gone to. That makes it worth it. Recently though, I did get pointed and laughed at and almost put my Gelatoni away. Until I realized that them laughing at me was their problem and not mine. Duffy is a traveling bear so that’s what he does!

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  3. I take my dragon everywhere with me. All over the globe! He loves sight seeing and flying. Can’t sleep without him. My husband now has his own dragon that goes everywhere with him. If you can’t beat them, join them!

    Sometimes when I’m with my work colleagues he has to stay hidden though as lots of humans don’t understand! People at my husbands work are buying their own dragons however and lots of our friends now have dragons for their kids so it’s becoming the new enforced norm around here! 👍🏻

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  4. Girl says she rarely leaves the house without at least me and Colby. But she usually has 1-6 stuffies with her depending on what she is doing and what kind of bag she is carrying. But usually it is me, Colby, Tsum Bucky, and Bowen or Beatrice or Wilder. But those last three are 14ish inches so they take up more room.

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