Breakfast day! Wif a movie!

OH! Hi! The Teddy went out today!! I got bweakfast at Cwacker Bawwel! I had never been to Cwacker Bawwel before! It was super nummy foods!! The food disappeared before the Teddy could get picshurs wif it teeheehee!! I guess fwench toast and chocowate chip pancakes are too good to not scarf up! But I did get some good ones after foods!! Wook! Here the Teddy is pwaying checkers!!

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OHH!! I had wots of fun pwaying checkers! I even won evwy game!! The Teddy discovered that shes weawwy good at checkers! Its a vewy fun game! Maybe next the Teddy can wearn chess!!

Then I got to sit in a wocking chair outside!!

Most of the wocking chairs were so big compared to the Teddy, but this one was almost teddy sized! I yike wocking chairs! Thare so fun to wock back and forf as fast as you can!! And the Teddy almost knocked the chair over!! Teeheehee!! It was so fun!!

Then I got to cwimb a twee!!

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The Teddy is weawwy good at cwimbing!! I can do it weawwy fast! But…the Teddy did almost fall…

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But then I cwimbed back up and was ok! It weawwy wasnt too far to the gwound so the Teddy pwoababwy would have been ok. But still. The Teddy didnt want to fall fwom the twee!

Then we went to the movies!! We saw Peter Wabbit!! It was super gweat! The Teddy waffed a whole wot while watching it!! Wook! Heres me wif my movie snacks!!

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The Teddy got popcorn and nachos as you can see! But the Teddy eated almos all of the snacks before the movie even started teeheeheehee! But tha’s ok! The movie was so vewy gweat! If you havnt seen it you should!! Its weawwy sweet and weawwy funny!!


That was my Teddy adventure for today! I hope you enjoyed seeing it!! Thank you for weading my bwog!!

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