Little Teddy and the Farmers

Teddy 38

OH! Hello there! Thank you for joining me! It’s been a while since I’ve had a new story. I do hope the wait hasn’t been too much! Tonight’s story features three very nice friends of Teddy’s. You can meet them here: @SonningBear. Please give them a visit! They’re very nice bears! So, now, let’s get on with the story! Here we have Little Teddy and the Farmers!

Little Teddy and the Farmers

The little teddy was playing in the front yard. She was using a stick to practice sword fighting. She wanted to become a great sword fighter just in case she ever encountered any monsters on her adventures. The little teddy didn’t know that she would ever meet any monsters, but she wanted to be prepared! She had been getting better and better each day, so she was confident in her abilities.

She was about to head inside when she heard a voice behind her. “Hi there, little bear,” the cheery voice called out. She turned around to see Teddy Tedaloo setting up his newspaper stand. “Oh hi Teddy Tedawoo!!” the little teddy exclaimed. “That’s Tedaloo,” the bear laughed, “What are you doing today?” The little teddy held out her stick. “I’m sword fighting!” she said proudly, swinging her makeshift sword around.  The newsbear laughed again. “Well, as important as sword fighting is,” he said, “maybe I could interest you in something else.”

The little Teddy was intrigued. “OH! What could be more intwesting than sword fighting?” she asked. Teddy Tedaloo smiled. “Well,” he began, “what if I told you there were new bears moving in? And that they were farmers? And that they grow potatoes as one of their crops?” The little teddies eyes lit up when she heard the word potatoes. Potatoes were her favorite! “OH! I wove potatoes!” she said excitedly, “I wanna meet farmers!!” Teddy smiled again. “Well there’s a farm down the road where they’ve just moved in,” he explained. He pointed down the road. The little teddy was surprised to see that the farm was actually visible from her home. She thanked the newsbear and headed down towards the farm.

It didn’t take the little teddy too long to walk to the farm. It turned out that the farm seemed further than it was. And when she reached it, she saw three bears sitting on the porch of the farmhouse. Upon seeing the little teddy, the three bears stood up and waved. All three  bears looked very friendly. One of the bears walked down off the porch to meet the little teddy. He was the tallest of the three bears. “Hello there,” he said cheerily, “who might you be?” The little teddy waved and then offered her paw, which the bear happily shook. “I’m jus a wittle teddy who woves potatoes,” she said with a smile.

The farmer bear laughed. He motioned for the other two bears to come join him and the little teddy. When the two other bears came over, he introduced them and himself. “My name is Sonning,” he told the little teddy, “and these are my brothers Hanley and Endon.” The other two bears both shook the little teddy’s paw, smiling. “It’s very nice to meet you,” Hanley told her as he shook her paw. “Oh, yes,” Endon agreed cheerily. “Now, I think we should show this little teddy where we’ll be growing our crops once we’re all settled in,” Sonning told his brothers, who both nodded in agreement, “So, please, follow us little one.” And with that, they headed around the side of their farmhouse. The little teddy eagerly followed the three bears.

What the little teddy saw around the house amazed her. A huge expanse of land with nothing growing lay before her. Her eyes scanned the area, trying to determine just how big it was. But, the little teddy was unable to tell. “Wow,” she gasped, “there’s so much wand here!” The three bears laughed. “Yes, and in no time at all, we’ll have planted our crops,” Hanley told her. “And when they begin growing, it’s going to look much different here,” Endon added. The little teddy looked out at their land again, trying to imagine it filled with crops. It was too much for her to think of!

“So when do you gwow the potatoes?” the little teddy asked the farmers. Sonning laughed heartily. “Well, it won’t just be potatoes growing hear, little one,” he explained, “We’ll have all sorts of crops!” Endon took the little teddy’s paw and walked her towards the field. “This field will actually be for wheat, barley, oats, and corn,” he told her, “We have a separate area for all of our vegetables. Follow me!” Endon then led the group to the back of the farmhouse. The little teddy was excited by what she saw there.

A huge garden was in the works around back. The three bears had already marked what vegetables were to go where and everything! “OH!” she exclaimed, “This garden is jus so big!!” The three farmers laughed again. “Well, to be successful farmers, we need a big garden,” Hanley told her. “Yes,” Sonning added, laughing, “and if you come with me, I’ll show you exactly where we’re going to grow our potatoes.” The little teddy began bouncing excitedly. Finally! She would see where the oh so yummy potatoes would be!

Sonning led her to section of the garden that was slightly bigger than the rest. “Here is where our potatoes will be planted,” he explained, “As you can see, this section of the garden is a little bigger than the rest. That’s because we too love potatoes!” The little teddy was excited to hear that the farmers enjoyed her favorite food too. “We have a few weeks yet until we can start planting our crops,” Sonning explained, “but once we do, we’ll have our hands full with work to do.” Hanley and Endon both nodded. “Yes, it’s hard work being a farmer,” Hanley agreed.

The Teddy took a bit to walk around the garden, checking out each garden plot. It was really exciting for her to see exactly where all the vegetables were to going to be grown. “Ive always wondered where my potatoes came fwom!” she giggled, poking the garden plots with her paw. Sonning laughed. “Well, you may end up getting them from us this year,” he told the little teddy. “Oh tha’s a vewy cool thought!” she said. She was excited to know the farmers who would grow her potatoes.

“I’m sorry you came all the way here to see our farm to catch us just getting things set up,” Hanley apologized. The little teddy shook her head. “Oh no, tha’s ok!” she assured him, “It’s jus fun to see such a cool farm!” The three bears smiled. “Thank you very much,” Sonning said happily, “But we do hope you’ll come by to visit once we’ve actually got some crops planted! Maybe we can show you everything necessary to be a good farmer!” The little teddy began to bounce excitedly. “OH! That would be so vewy gweat!” she exclaimed.

The three farmers invited the little teddy to stay for a snack before she left. And the little teddy was more than happy to accept the invitation. Sonning and Hanley went to the kitchen to cook up something, so Endon asked the Teddy to go on a short walk with him. “We’re going to an area off the other side of the farm. I wanna show you something,” he told her as they headed down a small dirt road. The little teddy was curious as to what Endon wanted to show her.

The walk was short, and the little teddy wasn’t disappointed. What awaited them at the end of the path was a giant wall with what appeared to be rocks jutting out of it. “What is this?” the little teddy asked, wide eyed. “This is my rock climbing wall,” Endon explained. “Wock cwimbing?” the little teddy asked, “But I thought you were a farmer?” Endon laughed. “I am,” he told her, “but I also have a dream to become a great moutaineer some day!” The little teddy looked up the huge wall. She was amazed to think anyone could climb such a large wall.

“So how do you become a mountaineer?” the little teddy asked Endon. “I just practice climbing every day,” he answered, “There’s this world famous mountaineer bear named Munro. I really look up to him and hope to be as good as him some day! Maybe even meet him!” The little teddy nodded. “That would be so cool!” she told him, “I weawwy hope you can meet him one day!” Endon smiled and then began to lead the way back to the farm.

When they reached the farm, Sonning and Hanley were just coming out. The both were carrying a large plate. As they got closer, the little teddy thought she smelled potatoes. And she was right! “We have freshly fried potatoes for everyone!” Hanley announced. Endon and the little teddy both took a seat at a picnic table just outside as Hanley and Sonning set out a large plate of potatoes for everyone. They then took their seats alongside the little teddy and Endon. “Oh these jus wook so vewy yummy!” the little teddy told her hosts happily. “Well, dig in!” Sonning told her, smiling.

The little teddy really enjoyed the yummy potato snack that her hosts had made. “Those were super duper yummy!” she told Sonning and Hanley. “Yes, they were quite good, as always,” Endon added, finishing off his plate of potatoes. Both Sonning and Hanley smiled proudly. “Not only do we pride ourselves on our farming, but we also do so in our cooking abilities,” Hanley said. The little teddy nodded. “You bof did a gweat job,” she told them, “Now I think I should pwobabwy head home.” The three bears nodded. “That’s quite alright,” Sonning told her, “We were very happy to have you visit. Your the first visitor we’ve had. Please, do come again!” The little teddy hugged the three farmers and assured them she would be back. And then she headed back home.

Just like the walk there, the walk home didn’t take the little teddy too long. And when she got back, she saw that Teddy Tedaloo was still at his stand. She walked over to him, smiling. “Thank you Teddy Tedawoo! That farm was so cool and the farmers were super nice!!” she told him excitedly. The news bear laughed. “That’s TedaLOO” the told the little teddy, “and I’m happy you enjoyed yourself!” The little teddy hugged the newsbear and then walked back to her yard. She couldn’t help but think about the farmers she’d just met. And she was excited to learn about farming the next time she visited.



Well, there it is. I do hope you all enjoy the story. I am sorry for taking so long to get this one out. Sometimes stories don’t come easily. And I wouldn’t ever want to rush a story. If I did that, you could end up with a very poor story. And I aim to give my audience the best stories! Please, leave any feedback in the comments section! I will begin working on a new story as soon as inspiration hits!



10 thoughts on “Little Teddy and the Farmers

  1. What a great story. I enjoyed reading it very much. The farm sounded like a very beautiful place and the farmers were very nice. I’m looking forward to the next story.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello dear Teddy girl! This is such a lovely story and we all enjoyed our read so much! Now we are curious if this story will be continued or not. Maybe the little Teddy will become a regular visitor at the farm and attend at the big harvest party in autumn?
    Thank you for sharing another of your wonderful stories with us.
    Waves & hugs
    yours bear family Burnie, Greg & kids

    Liked by 1 person

    • OH! Big bwother usuwy wepwies to comments but he said I can this time! This stowy may continue!! I do hope so! It would be fun stowy to continue!!! Were weawwy gwad you enjoy our stowies!!!! Thank you for weading them!!! *big hugs*


  3. Great story! Sonning and friends are cool bears. Hope the Teddy gets to meet Munro and friends too.

    And being of Scottish and Irish descent, I think Zombie Jim wouldn’t mind mreting the potato farmers and the Scottish explorers too! 😉

    We really enjoy your work. Keep it up. Don’t worry about how long it takes, we’re quite prepared to wait. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, thank you very much. I do try to keep everyone satisfied with my stories! The little teddy may just get to meet the legendary mountaineer! Only time will tell! And I’m sure there will be more visits to the farm!!


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